How to take, make, or save screenshots on Navon devices

How to capture the screen on a Navon device, make a screenshot, print screen, screengrab or take a screenshot. Instructions to capture the screen and save the image to a Navon device.

Making a screenshot in a Navon is very simple, find your model among the 9 available devices and find a way to make the screenshot step-by-step.

Taking a screenshot or screenshot is very useful for sharing the capture of a WhatsApp conversation, an Instagram story or an image you've seen on Facebook.

Navon T503 Navon T503
Navon T452 Navon T452
Navon T400 3G 2017 Navon T400 3G 2017
Navon Supreme Fine Navon Supreme Fine
Navon M505 4G Navon M505 4G
Navon D504 Navon D504
Navon D455 Navon D455
Navon D450 Navon D450
Navon D405 Navon D405

Screenshot with three fingers on Android

Android device manufacturers have experimented with a variety of gestures and methods for taking screenshots, seeking to offer users more intuitive and accessible ways to capture content on their devices.
Here we explain how to activate screenshot with three fingers on Android.

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Screenshot with two taps on Android

The screenshot capture by double-tapping the back of the device, known as "Quick Tap," was officially introduced in Android 12 and is native to the latest Google Pixel devices. In this article, we will explore how to activate and configure this feature to make the most of it, adjusting it to your needs and preferences.

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