Instructions to screen record on Hyundai phones and tablets

Hyundai Seoul 7 Hyundai Seoul 7
Hyundai Seoul Eco Hyundai Seoul Eco
Hyundai Seoul S6 Hyundai Seoul S6
Hyundai Seoul S8 Hyundai Seoul S8
Hyundai D350 Hyundai D350
Hyundai Seoul Hyundai Seoul
Hyundai E415 Hyundai E415
Hyundai SP Dual 4 Hyundai SP Dual 4
Hyundai Eternity G50 Hyundai Eternity G50
Hyundai e501 Hyundai e501
Hyundai E435S Hyundai E435S
Hyundai e603 Hyundai e603
Hyundai L604 Hyundai L604
Hyundai HYLine PLUS Hyundai HYLine PLUS
Hyundai HYLine PRO Hyundai HYLine PRO
Hyundai E551 Hyundai E551
Hyundai HyTab 7LC1 Hyundai HyTab 7LC1
Hyundai HyTab Plus 8LB1 Hyundai HyTab Plus 8LB1
Hyundai HyTab Plus 8WB1 Hyundai HyTab Plus 8WB1
Hyundai HyTab Pro 8LB1 Hyundai HyTab Pro 8LB1