How to change the SSID on iPhone

How to change the SSID on iPhone

Last update: in the category: iPhone / iPad

The SSID (Service Set Identifier) is the name of a WiFi network that allows it to be identified and differentiated from other nearby networks. It is the name you see when you search for available WiFi networks on your device and can have a maximum of 32 characters.

When you use your iPhone or iPad, its device name is key to identifying it in various situations. This name appears when you connect via Bluetooth, when you activate the Personal Hotspot (where it acts as the SSID or WiFi network name), when sending or receiving files with AirDrop, when connecting it to a PC or Mac, and in iCloud and Finder services.

What you might not know is that this name is not fixed and you can easily change it from the settings. Personalizing it will help you differentiate your device from the rest, especially in environments with multiple iPhones or iPads with similar names, such as in offices, events, or meetings. Follow this step-by-step guide and learn how to change the name of your iPhone or iPad in just a few seconds.

Estimated time: 1 minutes.

Step 1:

To begin, open your iPhone settings, look for the gray icon with gears on the home screen.

iPhone Settings

Step 2:

Scroll down a bit through the settings and you will see a section called "General," which has an icon of a gear on a light gray background. Tap to continue.

General iPhone Settings

Step 3:

The first section you will see when accessing the general settings of your iPhone or iPad is "About," the icon is an iPhone on a gray background, tap to access this section.

General information iPhone

Step 4:

Here you will see all the information about your iPhone or iPad: name, operating system version, model name, model number, serial number, etc. None of this data can be modified except for "Name"; tap on the name of your iPhone or iPad to change it.

iPhone SSID Name

Step 5:

Tap on the name of your iPhone or iPad and the keyboard will appear. You can delete the name and write a personalized one using letters, numbers, and special characters. When you are finished, tap "Accept" to save the changes.

Change iPhone SSID name

As you have been able to verify, changing the name that identifies your iPhone or iPad is very easy and you can modify it whenever you need to, but keep in mind that if you use the Wi-Fi hotspot, every time you modify it you will have to search for the network again and enter its password.

Have you had any problems or doubts when changing the name of your iPhone or iPad? Leave a comment below and we will solve it for you.

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