Lumia 1320 LTE technical characteristics

About the device:

Nokia Lumia 1320 LTE is a mobile/cell phone with dimensions of 85.9 mm (millimeters), 8.59 cm (centimeters), 0.28 ft (feet), 3.38 in (inches), a weight of 220 grams, and a screen resolution of 720 x 1280 pixels.

It has a processor Krait 300, a graphics card (GPU) Qualcomm Adreno and an internal memory of 8 GB (gigabytes) expandable by memory card microSD, microSDHC, microSDXC .

The Nokia Lumia 1320 LTE comes from the factory with the Microsoft Windows Phone 8 Black operating system.

Technical information

ModelLumia 1320 LTE
2G connectivityGSM 850 MHz, GSM 900 MHz, GSM 1800 MHz, GSM 1900 MHz
3G connectivityUMTS 850 MHz, UMTS 900 MHz, UMTS 1700/2100 MHz, UMTS 1900 MHz, UMTS 2100 MHz
4G connectivityLTE 800 MHz, LTE 850 MHz, LTE 1700/2100 MHz, LTE 1800 MHz, LTE 1900 MHz, LTE 2100 MHz, LTE 2600 MHz
5G connectivityNo
Dimensions85.9 mm (millimeters), 8.59 cm (centimeters), 0.28 ft (feet), 3.38 in (inches)
Height164.25 mm (millimeters), 16.43 cm (centimeters), 0.54 ft (feet), 6.47 in (inches)
Thickness9.8 mm (millimeters), 0.98 cm (centimeters), 0.03 ft (feet), 0.39 in (inches)
Volume138.27 cm
Weight gr.220
Weight oz0.49
SIMMicro-SIM (3FF - third form factor, since 2003, 15.00 x 12.00 x 0.76 mm)
Number of SIMS1
ColorsBlack, White, Red, Yellow
Body materialsPlastic


Type of screenIPS
Screen resolution720 x 1280 pixels
Display width2.94 in (inches), 74.72 mm (millimeters), 7.47 cm (centimeters)
Display height5.23 in (inches), 132.83 mm (millimeters), 13.28 cm (centimeters)
Aspect ratio1.778:1, 16:9
Pixel density245 ppi (pixels per inch), 96 ppcm (pixels per centimeter)
Color depth24 bit, 16777216 colors
Display area70.57 % (percent)
CrystalCorning Gorilla Glass 3, ClearBlack display, Sunlight readability enhancements, Anti-glare polariser

Microsoft Windows Phone 8 Black

CPUKrait 300
SoCQualcomm Snapdragon 400 MSM8930AB
Technology28 nm (nanometers)
Bits32 bit
Instruction setARMv7
Cores16 KB + 16 KB (kilobytes)
CPU Frequency1024 KB (kilobytes), 1 MB (megabytes)
GPUQualcomm Adreno
Storage and memory
Memory cardmicroSD, microSDHC, microSDXC
Internal memory

8 GB (gigabytes)

RAM type1
RAM channels1 GB (gigabytes)
RAM frequencyLPDDR2
Sensor modelCMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor)
Sensor type3.67 x 2.76 mm (millimeters), 0.18 in (inches)
Sensor size1.417
Sensor Pixel size9.42
Aperture2.98 mm (millimeters), 28.06 mm (millimeters) *(35 mm / full frame)
Resolution2592 x 1944 pixels, 5.04 MP (megapixels)
Video Resolution1920 x 1080 pixels, 2.07 MP (megapixels)
FPS30 fps (frames per second)
Video featuresAutofocus, Continuous autofocus, Digital zoom, Geotagging, Touch focus, Face detection, White balance settings, Exposure compensation
Aperture secondary cameraf/2.8
Resolution secondary camera0.3 MP
Video resolution secondary camera2 MP
FPS video secondary camera1920 x 1080 pixels, 2.07 MP (megapixels)
Audio connectorYes
WLAN802.11b (IEEE 802.11b-1999), 802.11g (IEEE 802.11g-2003), 802.11n (IEEE 802.11n-2009), Wi-Fi Hotspot
SensorsProximity, Light, Accelerometer, Compass
Battery3400 mAh (milliampere-hours)
Battery typeBattery model: BV-4BW
Fast chargingNo
Wireless chargingNo

What is the processor (CPU) of the Nokia Lumia 1320 LTE?

The Nokia Lumia 1320 LTE has a processor (CPU) Krait 300.

What internal memory does the Nokia Lumia 1320 LTE of Nokia have?

The Nokia Lumia 1320 LTE has an internal memory of a capacity of 8 GB (gigabytes).

What colors is the Nokia Lumia 1320 LTE available in?

The Nokia Lumia 1320 LTE is available in the following colors: Black, White, Red, Yellow.

What weight does the Nokia Lumia 1320 LTE have? How much does a Nokia Lumia 1320 LTE weigh?

The Nokia Lumia 1320 LTE has a weight of 220 grams 0.49 oz

What operating system does the Nokia Lumia 1320 LTE have?

The Lumia 1320 LTE of Nokia comes from the factory with the Microsoft Windows Phone 8 Black operating system.

What is the security code for Nokia Lumia 1320 LTE?

The Nokia Lumia 1320 LTE comes with the factory security code 12345. If this security code has not been changed, you will be able to unlock your Nokia Lumia 1320 LTE.
Now that you know this code, you should change it to a personalized one to prevent someone else from accessing and using your phone. To change it: Menu > Settings > Security > Phone security. Enter 12345 and press "OK", select "Activate".

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