List of devices with 32 GB of internal memory

Highscreen Fest Pro Highscreen Fest Pro 32 GB (gigabytes) 3 GB
Highscreen Expanse Highscreen Expanse 32 GB (gigabytes)
Gome S1 Gome S1 32 GB (gigabytes) 3 GB
Gome Fenmmy Note Gome Fenmmy Note 32 GB (gigabytes)
Gome C71 Gome C71 32 GB (gigabytes) 3 GB
Ginzzu RS8502 Ginzzu RS8502 32 GB (gigabytes) 3 GB
Gigaset ME Gigaset ME 32 GB (gigabytes)
Gigaset ME Pure Gigaset ME Pure 32 GB (gigabytes)
Gigaset ME Pro Gigaset ME Pro 32 GB (gigabytes)
Gigaset GS270 Plus Gigaset GS270 Plus 32 GB (gigabytes) 3 GB
Gigaset GS370 Gigaset GS370 32 GB (gigabytes) 3 GB
Geotel Amigo Geotel Amigo 32 GB (gigabytes) 3 GB
General Mobile Discovery Elite General Mobile Discovery Elite 16 GB (gigabytes), 32 GB (gigabytes)
General Mobile Discovery Elite Plus General Mobile Discovery Elite Plus 32 GB (gigabytes) 2 GB
General Mobile GM 5 Plus General Mobile GM 5 Plus 32 GB (gigabytes)
General Mobile GM 6 General Mobile GM 6 32 GB (gigabytes) 3 GB
General Mobile GM 8 General Mobile GM 8 32 GB (gigabytes), 64 GB (gigabytes)
Geecoo G5 Geecoo G5 32 GB (gigabytes) 3 GB
Fujitsu Arrows NX F-01F Fujitsu Arrows NX F-01F 32 GB (gigabytes)
Fujitsu Arrows NX F-05F Fujitsu Arrows NX F-05F 32 GB (gigabytes)